You As An Editor: Correcting a Mistaken Impression

The preceding discussion indicates that you are to take your manuscript and type it into the editor in exactly the same way as you would at a typewriter. While this is a possible way of proceeding it is not really the best way to do things. In order to you to understand why this is true, you have to understand that once you have functioned as a typist, the next thing you have to be is an editor.

An editor's job is to make sure the text looks good and that the printer knows how he is supposed to layout the copy which he receives. For example, he has to know: how much space to put between lines of text, what font to set chapter headings in, how much space to skip before and after a chapter heading, which math symbols are exponents, greek letters etc. Since you are the editor and TEX is going to be the printer, you have to mark up the copy so that TEX and/or PHYZZX knows what to do with it. This feat is accomplished by including editor's comments (or marks) in the text. These comments (or commands to TEX) have to have a special character in front of them so that TEX will recognize them for what they are; this character is the \, and the combination of a
followed by a string of characters is called a control sequence. One example of a control sequence is
which tells TEX to begin a new paragraph. Note that this is not a trivial thing since TEX has to know to skip some extra space between the text in different paragraphs, indent the first line by some amount, etc. The basic version of TEX has lots of control sequences which tell TEX to do lots of wonderful things. To learn about these things (probably more than you initially want to know about how TEX operates) you have to read selectively in the TEXbook written by Knuth. Since this discussion is between friends, let me warn you this book stinks as a reference manual and ain't so hot as an introduction to TEX. Knuth has a philosophy of learning by ever increasing levels of mistakes which I (and many of my acquaintances) find at best distracting and at worst impenetrable. Unfortunately, this book is all that is available as an in depth introduction to the basic version of TEX. If you want to know how to do sophisticated things which lie outside of the purview of PHYZZX you will have to read quite a lot of it.To get a feeling for TEX it is advisable to browse through the first three chapters and read about boxes and modes. If you just wish to type papers in the most straightforward way you can defer this reading until you are more experienced so long as you use PHYZZX. However, in any event, you must read the sections on typing math formulas, typing displayed equations and a little bit about making boxes since I have neither the time nor inclination to go into those things in this writeup, and you must have a basic idea of how this stuff works in order to proceed. After all, ostensibly this writeup is about how to use PHYZZX and is not a primer on TEX. A really good thing to read to get an idea of the basic things you can do with TEX and to learn about the important control sequences is a primer entitled First Grade TEX A Beginner's TEX Manual by Arthur L. Samuel. This is short, readable and contains everything you need to supplement this discussion of PHYZZX. You can request a copy of this manual from the SLAC Library

First Grade Tex – A Beginner's TEX Manual
Arthur L. Samuel

Since you are going to be both typist and editor it pays for you to combine these jobs and mark up the manuscript at the same time that you type it. To be precise, this means that you want to type in equations so that superscripts,
subscripts, etc., are clearly indicated. You also want to type chapter headings, subchapter headings, etc., in such a way that the font to be used, the space to be skipped above and below the heading, etc. are all clearly indicated. In general you want to tell the printer how to lay out the resulting copy as you type it in. This of course requires that you make many formatting decisions and then use the basic TEX control sequences in order to tell it what to do. It will come as no surprise to you that this can get very complicated very quickly. That's where PHYZZX comes in.